2024 TrebleMaker
Crescendo was the game for the 2024 FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC), an international high school robotics competition, with a music theme. In the game, two alliances of three teams each compete to fire foam rings, called “notes”, into different field elements and climb on a chain at the end. This makes the game sound simplistic but trust us, there was a lot of strategy in this game. See the game animation to the right.
Since the game had a musical theme, our robot was rightfully named “TrebleMaker.” It used swerve drive (where each wheel can steer separately) to be able to move gracefully around the field in any direction and avoid defenders. It is able to tilt its intake down to suck in the rings, and then rotate it to the exact angle to fire it, potentially all the way across the field. In the end game, it deploys two telescoping hooks to grab onto the chain and pull itself off the ground.
TrebbleMaker’s code is written in Java (lots of Java). The code controls the robot during both the early autonomous period and offloads the drive team from having to worry about every little mechanical detail during the teleoperated period.
TrebleMaker is quite a sophisticated robot. We are very proud of her!